I know there are some people out there who don't yet want to mention the C word* (that's mainly me, actually!), while there are
others who have boasted of almost finishing their C word preparations. I don't know about you, but I feel I've made a big step by casting on a pair of socks for my MIL for C word (lacy mock cables in Colinette Jitterbug - mmm, nice yarn!)

One of the competitions we planned is for the most C word socks - ie most pairs of socks knitted in the SSoS period and gifted this year - this might be a good incentive to those of you slogging your way through a list of gift socks, or those of you who haven't quite started yet!
As this is a numbers competition, there are a couple of guidelines for entries:
-must be a pair of socks to count (or 2 single socks = 1 pair)
-small pairs of socks (babies, kids) count as half a pair
-socks must have been completed substantially during the SSoS period (ie from 1 Oct) and no later than 25 December
-socks must be Christmas gifts, not just socks knit by Christmas time
This is an honesty thing, so we are relying on you to bear this in mind when submitting your C word sock gifts (and photos! We love photos!).
We'll post a reminder closer to C word about how to enter! Get to it! And of course, there will be a fabulous prize on offer which Bells will post about shortly!
*C word = Christmas or whatever celebration you have at this time of the year.