Hi my name is Amanda and this is the start of my first ever sock, I'm new to knitting and kal's as well. My goals are to complete at least 2 pairs of socks, more would be fantastic but I'm a slow knitter, improve knitting skills so one day I can knit Pomatomus socks for me and kilt hose for my partner. It's so good having an Australian kal to be part of !!!
Love the colour. You'll quite possiby find that socks are addictive! LOL
Welcome Amanda - excellent start to your sock!
Goodness they are two very worthy ambitions to have- both of those socks are personal faves and ambitions of mine. I approve! he he
Amanda, you can do it, and what a great start (loving the green!!!) I just made my very first sock too. Ahhhh, now I have to turn around and make it's partner, yikes! But who knew I'd ever make a pair of socks. My goal, not right now, but after many pair of socks, is to make some socks for my husband to wear with his kilt too. One day.
Hmmmm, I wonder if there is a kilt hose KAL we can be part of! LOL
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