After reading through the blog the last couple of weeks I have decided I need to add an appendix to my personal challenges. This is mainly for my benefit, but I feel as though some kindred spirits out there may be feeling the same way.
My additional personal challenges are:
* To remember why I joined this KAL. Which was to be more active in the knitting/blogging community. And because Rose Red FORCED me to join! Just jokes RR!
* To knit socks at my own pace. Very important, I react badly to pressure and tend to want to rebel and breakaway. Like forming a gorilla action group for the misunderstood and maligned, mismatched or unfinished socks!
* To enjoy how knitting makes me feel. It relaxes me and helps me to destress in what is the busiest time of year for me at work.
* To enjoy, marvel, and not be intimidated, at the speed of some of you rockin' sock stars in finishing pairs of socks. YOU LOT ROCK! You have helped me feel the sock love!
* To not be competitive. This is a hard one for me as I have a tendency to be swept along and try and out perform and try to keep up with the output of others. But it ends up making me feel stressed and I lose enjoyment when knitting becomes a chore. I have come to realise that there are things I streak ahead in, and lead the pack. And there are other things that I doodley bop behind in. And I am ok with that!
* Most of all to enjoy the Summer knitting socks. To have fun being part of SSoS. To enjoy reading about your adventures in sock land. To discover new patterns (for my to do list of course!) and new yarns.
And most importantly, To RACE DOODS TO THE WOODEN SPOON! See you there Doods!!!!!
In the mean time, I present to you one half (maybe the only half) of my first pair of socks for SSoS.
Details are:
Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock, Rainbow 1 skein.
Heirloom 4ply in green (shade 470) and purple (shade 437) for heel and toe.
Cleckheaton Merino Bambino 4ply in a blue/purple colour for picot edge.
3mm 30cm circular & 3mm dpns. (Try 30cm circulars. You were right BDK, they will change your life!)
Pattern - Black Dog Knits, Lornas Laces One Hank socks
And now my biggest challenge is to cast on the mate for this lonely little fella!!
I think that is one of the prettiest socks I've seen!
and I love your list of reasons why you're participating - totally hearing you on the competitiveness point.
must work on that myself ;)
Unique, and very happy looking socks. Great job. Hope to see a pair soon, (sometime this summer), cheers
Why hello there soul sistah!
You're totally singing my song with this post, or rather, what should be my song!
Ugh. I think we need some kind of support group for this affliction :)
Can't believe you did a picot edge sock!! Fabulous!! Hope the next sock will have alternate heels/toes...if not, clearly I'm going to have to force you!!!
Yay shazmina!
I really hope the competition that's here is healthy and fun and not the sort of thing that anyone loses sleep over?
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