Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! and sorry it's a late Thankyou!

Hey Everyone!
This is a very belated thank you for the fabulous Newbie encouragement gifts i received!
Thanks so much RoseRed, Bells and Shazmina Bendi! I just loved my gifts and it made my day for sure!
Here is a pic of the goodies i received (with my sock peeking out the top) and the following pic is of my sock...and yes i am still going on the first seems to be taking me forever! I'm not sure i will make my DH another pair of socks...his feet are really long!!!! Anyways I'm still plugging away at them!


Jayne said...

Hi Suzi - my son is 17 and has size 11 feet so I can empathise with you. He also has joints like a camel and likes his socks loose. It is indeed possible to knit them a second pair - I've just finished his third pair - my blog is on the sidebar - 48 Hour Day.

Suggestions - either use 2 balls or split the ball in half so you know if you are going to run out before you finish the second sock, that way if you have to add in a different yarn you can do it at the same place on both socks and it will look like you planned it, pick a pattern and a colour that you REALLY enjoy knitting as you will be knitting a LOT of it, and keep an index card in the bag with your knitting to write down any changes you make - regardless of how good your intentions are you are not always going to remember exactly what you did on the first sock.

Most important - have FUN!

Jan said...

I know how you feel about the "going on forever." I've made lots of socks but did the first pair of men's socks only a few weeks ago. They were a present for a friend. The feet weren't too bad, but the legs, from an old pattern were very long and were shaped on the calf.

I've had requests from two of my three sons for socks. Can't bring myself to do them yet. One wears 13 1/2 shoes, the other 14s. lots of knitting there.

I like the look of your sock. The pair will look really great!