I too am only just now getting around to posting my first pair. Slack, I know. These are a pair I cast-on right back when sign-ups started, especially for the KAL too. I had hoped that by joining I would be able to avoid most of the effects of the dreaded second sock syndrome (ha, I hear chuckles in the audience already). It was also in order to beat 2ndSS that I decided to disallow myself from posting here until AFTER I had finished my first pair. Oh yeah! Big mistake. The 1st pair fairly flew off the needles and I was diligent in beginning the 2nd. I thought all was going well, and it was for a while. But yes of course I hit that slump, as we sometimes do, though not until I was over half way done with sock number 2. Odd right? I mean surely I could see the light at the end of the tunnel by then? I was on the home stretch. Oh well, I think that I had just finally become bored with the yarn and pattern chosen. Actually, I should have known better. I've taken note of that and plan on making my next pair in either cables or lace in a very yummy yarn that won't be put down. After I finish up a quicky pair of bed socks in DK to get my mojo back, that is.

Yup, that is them up there. Pretty plain I know, but as they are only the second pair I have ever made for myself, I decided to keep it simple. I tried out a new toe and heel on these, the other reason I kept it simple. They were knit up from a rectangular toe, with a forethought-afterthought heel. Big thanks to SpinWeaveKnit for that suggestion, it will be a versatile addition to my repertoire. The yarn is Four Seasons Hotsocks I had overdyed with pink, it needed livening up, a lot.
Next for me, is the aforementioned bed socks in dk, so far they have been knitted to just before the heel. But this time I am working 2 at a time on one circular, though I did start with a rectangular toe again. These will likely have a short-row heel, as they will not need to stand up to much punishment. After I finish those, I will be back on to some experimental sock-ette thingys I have been dabbling with. They are something I need to wear with heels, a little something to pad under the ball of my foot some and to protect the part of the foot just above the tops of my toes. I tell you all this, because I hope it will mean I actually have to do it :-) Clearly keeping myself from posting until I was done, was a bad tactic, so now I am employing another.
*edited to add blog linky* Opps! I seem to remember reading waaay back that we ought to link to our blog at the end of a post. Makes sense, if you went looking for mine on the right, you likely would not have found it. It is Stitches Anomalous, so there you go.