Drunken Bees / Tricoquelicot Laine Claude II in Caramel
Generic top-down socks / sKnitches Syncopation in Planetary
Cornucopia / Sunshine Yarns Soft Sock Yarn in Buttermilk
Generic top-down socks with picof-cuff / Sunshine Yarns Twist Sock Yarn in Reducto
Flicker / Sundara Sock Yarn in Sour Apple
Maelstrom / MadelineTosh Sock Yarn in Olivia
Twisted Tweed / Sundara Sock Yarn in Mossy
TTL Mystery Sock / Dream in Color Smooshy in Chinatown Apple
To be honest, I'm all socked out for now. For the next couple of weeks I'll be knitting other things, but my sock stamina usually recovers pretty quickly. I'll be back before too long!
You certainly have been busy. I love the look of them all. Lovely colours too.
Fifteen socks in one month...are you sure you have time for anything else?? They look amazing, especially from a sock learner who has so far managed one very plain sock!!!
Fifteen socks? Thats one sock every two days! Wow!
That's a lot of gorgeous socks!
Oh my word! So many socks!
Good God, woman, you're a machine! A machine that creates very, very beautiful socks.
Beautiful socks, all of them!
Good grief! You have been busy! I'd need a break too. But those are stunning, stunning socks!
Good gracious, are you sleeping too? LOL. What absolutely beautiful socks they are.
Oh well done you - that is an achievement and a half!
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