Thursday, October 15, 2009
Welcome to SSoS 2009/2010!
Bells and I have decided that most of the action this year will happen on Ravelry, in the SSoS group - we both participated in the Tour de France KAL this year which ran entirely on Ravelry and it worked really well!
But we know not everyone is necessarily on Ravelry or has a blog, so if you want to post on the SSoS blog that's absolutely fine, we won't be shutting it down or getting rid of anything, as there's lots of good info and sock knitting on here!
We hope you'll join us and have some fun knitting socks together this summer!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Spoil Me Socks
They were started back in May 2008 and finished in January 2009.
It's not that the pattern was hard, it's just that I lost my mojo during that time.
The yarn is The Knittery's Merino Cashmere Sock (old style) in Cherries colourway and the pattern is my own - picot edging, eye of partridge heel and star toe.
There's a little bit about them on my blog Jo Knits (but not very much 'cos I deleted my blog and started again back in December).
On the upside - I think I've got my mojo back!!!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Lost & Found
It took me about 2 months to get 3 inches done on the Herringbone sock from Interweave Winter 08. Then I decided it was too much effort and frogged it.
Same goes for everything I tried with the Noro sock yarn I got AGES ago in a fit of excitement about Noro putting out a sock yarn.
But my sock mojo has been found. My sister-in-law gave me a ball of self-striping sock yarn (Online Supersocke 100) for my birthday and I decided to give it another go. Loving the simplicity of stockinette.

This is my progress in a week.
Sorry if I'm only supposed to post finished socks on this blog. It's been so long since I joined I can't remember the rules!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Last of the Summer Socks
1. Knit more than 5 pairs.
2. Knit only from sock yarn already in my possession.
3. Try magic loop.
But I came close. I failed on the more than 5 pairs but I finished all 5 pairs that I did knit. I knitted only from sock yarn I already had and I tried and successfully completed a pair of socks using magic loop.
Here are the last two completed pairs:
The first pair is Embossed Leaves of which only the pattern part of the sock is the same as the original. The cuff and toe are plain old cuffs and toes. I'm a little bit lazy and took the easy road. They were knitted with Fleece Artist Sokomo in the Mermaid colourway. I really enjoyed knitting these socks.

The second pair are Luminare Socks. I struggled with these. I didn't like the yarn all that much, Knittery Slim Sock in Royal Velvet, and I kept having to rip back so often that it's a wonder they were finished at all. Their redeeming feature is that I love the colour and the pattern was sort of fun. I also made a mistake in not following the pattern properly but they look good and I am pleased with them.

I think I'm a bit socked out so that's all from me until next summer though I will probably knit some more socks during the year.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
personal sockclub '09
Show-off Stranded socks (free) in Wired for Fibre "Rita" - colourway "Sorcery"(?)
Seaweed socks (free) in Wired for Fibre "Rita" - colourway "Kelp"
more details at my blog...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
When does summer officially end?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
lion's mane socks
It's been a while since I've been here. I've been concentrating on lacy things this summer and have not done many socks. However, as things change in my life yet again, I'll be picking up more socks as I find them not only soothing and meditative but also very portable.
This is wool from Donyale It was a pleasure to knit and just look how evenly the stocking stitch knitted up. Easily seen on the foot. It's not a usual colour for me but I liked this as soon as I saw it. I have another lot of her sock wool, in teal colour. I'm still considering how I'll make these.
The plant is a kumara, sweet potato vine. I found one under the shelf in the pantry just before Christmas. It was sprouting, so as an experiment I planted it. It's grown very quickly and is attractive to look at, although I doubt f we'll get anything from it.
The insertion lace is the cat's paw print which I thought was appropriate for the name of the colour. It's a simple six row pattern over seven stitches and I added three rows between each pattern repeat. With just six rows, each repeat was quick to do and another repeat was quick to follow. Ive done shot row heels and toes many times but this time I pushed the sock through to the inside of the knitting and put the three needle bind off on the inside.
pass the slipped stitch over
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I Have Been Lazy .....

In addition, I have also posted a free sock pattern that I designed last year on Ravelry .....

Hope you enjoy these socks !
Monday, February 16, 2009
Catch up
I also got super crafty and made myself the sock blockers below which the monkey socks are on, it was super easy to make and cost me $2.99!

The first...

They are Nancy Bush's Child's French Socks from 'Knitting Vintage Socks' and are knitted from Araucania Ranco Solid in grey. More details on my blog.
My next Personal Sock Club 'delivery' is 21 February. I'm looking forward to being surprised by my next project - how strange to be entertained by a surprise I've arranged for myself!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
At last - socks for your pleasure!
I have finished 5 pairs so far (one pair had one completed sock and had been abandoned for another love for a while, so it was a bit of a head start). Then there was the frantic Christmas knitting and so on.

Before Christmas I finished the Dragon Dance socks (finally!) and also started and finished Holidazed. That was the January and December kits from the Rockin' Sock Club.

Random Ribs Lucky #13
Yay a finished pair of socks - these were done last week but I was saving them for Valentine's day. S.V. lucky #13 pair.
They are Stephen Colbert Socks by Mason-Dixson book "Knitting Outside The Lines".
Knitted in Fleece Artist Blue Face Leicester Socks yarn from the wool shop in Mosman - can't remember the name.
They were alot of fun to knit but I did do my normal trick of knitting ove 1/2 of the first sock before trying them on the S.V. only to discover they were too small this time. Back to the start and over again - you would think the lesson was learnt.
Here is my Personal Sock Club for 2009
nearly done the first sock of the second pair.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Personal Sock Club - 1 done, 11 to go!

Thursday, February 12, 2009
Pomatomus Socks

In January this year, I started them again and got into a bit of a groove with them. Sort of.

i still found them to be a bit of a slog, but I'd grown a bit as a knitter since I first cast them on and they were not so hard.
Full details here.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Pink Pablos

Pattern: Pablo Blue Socks
Yarn: One Fat Slug Sock Yarn - Roses
Needles: 2.5mm Knit Picks Circular Needle
More on my blog
Melissa (HoneyBeeMine)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
A Pair, A Pair, WooHoo A Pair
So, here they are:

They are the Chains and Ladders sock from in Silja - one skein olive and one variagated teal/olive/magenta. Very pretty and the slipped stitch pattern create interesting texture.
And... because it is likely to be my only pair for this SSoS (they are also pretty cute), here is another photo
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Pretty Plain socks

I haven't finished a pair of socks in a while, being occupied with other things to knit, but I had a plain pair going for a while to give me a break from harder stuff.
I'm thrilled with these. It's the Yarn Harlot's Basic Sock Recipe from Knitting Rules, and they fit me really well, something I don't often manage to get right. 64 stitches on 2.75mm needles. Seems to work well.

And I always love the Eye of Partridge heel. It suits variegated yarn so well!
The yarn is Regia, in a colourway designed by Kaffe Fasset. I think he missed his calling. He should be doing more of this. I like it better than his colour work designs!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Midnight Rose Meadows
These are Blackrose Socks from the winter edition of Knitty in Midnight Meadows Sundara sock yarn. I loved this yarn, but it nearly had me beat. The varegiation in the dye is quite subtle and I wanted a pattern that would show it to its best advantage. I cast on a number of socks in this yarn which were frogged - Leyburns, Paul Attwell and Charades twice. Then I chanced on the Blackrose pattern. It is lovely! Just enough lace to be interesting, yet an ideal television viewing sock. However I did get slightly more than I bargained for when whipping up the left sock. I thought my stitch marker had disappeared, and then I found it knitted into the ankle of the sock. Alas, the marker had to be snipped.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Short and sweet
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Your Personal Sock Club 2009
If you haven't heard about it, the idea is that you select sock yarn from your stash, even choose a pattern for the socks if you want, put each yarn and pattern in a separate brown paper (or similar) bag, and then every month select one at random - and there you have it, your personal sock club! Of course, you can make up any rules you like for your club - it's yours, after all!
I put mine together on the weekend - you can read more about it (and see the yarns I've picked) here.
I can't wait to "receive" my first shipment - just have to finish a pair of socks first!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Last of the Christmas knitting.
First off the blocks, my FIL's thumping great feet will be well-clad in his favourite team's colours (he's a lovely bloke, but it just about broke me to make him Bulldogs socks!).
Pattern: Gentleman's Sock in Railway Stitch from Knitting Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush
Yarn: Patonyle, hand-dyed by me in royal blue, with contrast heel and toe in off-white Patonyle.
They took forever, partly because they are so damn big, and partly because we were moving house, so knitting time was at a premium (I know, I know, what were we thinking, moving house at the holidays? Never again!!!)
Next up is my MIL's lovely laciness.
Pattern: Fancy Silk Sock for a Child of 5 or 6 Years, also from KVS by Nancy Bush.
Yarn: Collinette Jitterbug in colourway "Mist".
These were a lovely, easy, quick knit; simple enough for TV knitting after a long day of unpacking, but interesting enough to keep my brain alive. Also, I had bloggy-friend visitors while I was working on these, so they were good for showing off a bit (ooh, did I say that out aloud?).
You can read all about them here and here on my blog.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Better late than never.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
My First SSS Post - Hello All

These are my yummy Eki Riva Supreme 4 ply Alpaca lace socks. The wool is to die for. Everyone should try it at least once.
Cheers Grand Purl Baa